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striped t-shirt for men

▫️ Affects: Extreme Survival Shirt (can be moved on import)
▫️ Races: All tall/midlander based races + Highlander.
▫️ Genders: Male
▫️ Contributors: Tsar for tb2. Hoffnung for the graphic & lovely modelling.
▫️ Features:
- Tight, dyable t-shirt for men with a colour block stripe going over the left shoulder.

- The coloured stripe is set to dye a darker version of whatever colour the shirt is dyed in game. If you want it to be a completely different colour, then alter it via the colourset row 3 in textools.
- Any problems? Feel free to shoot me a message.
- My mods are all named after plants! For some more info on this mods namesake: In terms of plants, variegation means to have a diversity of colours. Some examples are a natural patterned variegation like in prayer plants, chimeral where it's a genetic mutation in the plant i.e. variegated monstera, or it can be viral.

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