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Metallica A

Metallica A

barbell and ring navel piercing

▫️ Affects: Scion Liberator's Earrings - movable on import.
▫️ Races: All tall/midlander based races
▫️ Genders: Female
▫️ Contributors: Hoffnung for the graphic.
▫️ Features:
- Navel piercing with a barbell and ring.
- Comes with two colour options. A plain metal, and two tone metal.
- Plain version colour is alterable via colourset row 16. Comes in silver as base.
- Two tone version comes with black barbell + gold ring as base. Barbell is editable via colourset rows 2&3, ring is editable via colourset row 16.

- It will squish a bit when sitting, or any poses that 'crunch' the abdomen. It's not something fixable, it's just how it'll work with weights in that area.
- Expect more navel piercings to come in the future in different styles!

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