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E. Aquarius

E. Aquarius

ruffled blouse with a low v-neck

🔳 E. Aquarius (bibo+/succulent)
▫️ Affects: Hannish Wool Autumn shirt, but can be moved on import.
▫️ Races: All tall/midlander based races
▫️ Genders: Female
▫️ Contributors: Tsar, Bizu & Illyriana for the original bibo+ body. Hoffnung for the graphic.
▫️ Features:
- Loose blouse with a ruffle trim and low V neck
- Dyable! If you want to change the colour of the strings & bow on the front, you can do so by changing the diffuse colour on the colourset row 16.

- Expect some clipping! These sleeves are pretty huge so will clip into the body in poses where the arms are close.
- There might still be a little bit of clipping around the armpits/shoulders in certain poses where the arms are raised up high.
- Any problems? Feel free to shoot me a message.
- My mods are all named after plants! For some more info on this mods namesake: The E stands for Echeveria, a genus of succulent which come in an incredible amount of species varieties. The Echeveria Aquarius have beautiful ruffled edges to their leaves, which turn a pretty shade of pink when grown in the right environment.

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