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Fresh-Faced Middies

Fresh-Faced Middies

Light makeup for all five midlander female faces.

This is a light, natural looking makeup made for every midlander face, yeehaw.

+ nude gloss
+ sharper brows
+ eyeliner over a neutral eye
+ cupid's bow

It should work with every sort of character customization option too but your mileage may vary. Please reach out to me if you find any glaring issues.

The modpack will install the face texture for whichever middie faces you want, can pick just one or go nuts and install them all. No extra fuss or editing required.
It will overwrite your current face diffuse so if you have a modded one currently be sure to save it somewhere!

+ personal edits are sweet, go nuts
+ rereleasing or reusing for something else not so much, don't do that.
+ follow terms for the base texture as well

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