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top & skirt with wavy trim

◽Cropped shirt and miniskirt with a sheer wavy trim.
◽ Affects:
Top - Survival Shirt.
Skirt - Uraeus Skirt.
◽ Gender: Female
◽ Race: All tall/midlander based races
◽ Contributors: Tsar, Bizu & Illyriana for the original bibo+ body. Hoffnung for the graphic.
◽ Notes:
- Any problems? Feel free to shoot me a message.
- The weights on the top in the middle of the bust aren't perfect, but they're about as good as I can get them after fiddling with this set for a long time. Most noticeable on max slider Roegadyn, but still somewhat noticeable on other races as well when posing. The 3D laces will stretch funny in some/exaggerated poses.

Happy modding! Don't hesitate to reach out to contact us with any issues or questions.

Personal edits are okay, please do not reupload or redistribute any mods.

Upscales/resizing okay for public mods, credit if released, and please never paywall any part of our mods (patreon, commissions, etc.).

Public is public!

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